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Past Events
September 24-26, 2004

Market Square, downtown Fredericksburg, Texas
Solar – Wind – Water Use & Reuse – Energy Conservation
Rainwater Harvesting – Green & Sustainable Building
Organic Growing – Alternative Transportation
Straw Bale Construction – Exhibits
Free Guest Speakers – Food
Family Activities
Thursday, June 10, 2004
TREIA Industry Update Forum & Reception:
The Solar Hot Water Industry Today
Presentations By Manufacturers:
- Alternate Energy Technologies, LLC (AET), Jacksonville, FL
- Solar Energy, Inc., Jacksonville, FL
- Solargenix Energy, LLC, Raleigh, NC
Learn about the state of the solar water heating industry today and the products and services of three national manufacturers of solar equipment. Meet the company representatives and join TREIA members for Hors d’Oeuvres and cash bar.
The Austin Clean Energy Initiative
William McDonough
“Cradle to Cradle:
A Celebration of Abundance, A Future of Hope”
Hosted by
The Honorable Will Wynn
Mayor, City of Austin
Fritz Steiner
Dean, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin
Joseph J. Beal, P.E.
General Manager, Lower Colorado River Authority
Dinner Presenting Sponsor

McDonough event also made possible through the support of:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, State Energy Conservation Office,
Lower Colorado River Authority, Austin Community College,
City of Austin, American Institute of Architects-Austin Chapter, LiveableCity,
University of Texas Environmental Health & Safety, UT Center for Sustainable Development
April 27, 2004
2004 Clean Energy Economic Development Summit
A Conversation about the State of Austin’s Clean Energy Industry
Sponsored by Vinson & Elkins and Corkran Energy

Panel Featuring:
The Honorable Will Wynn, Mayor, City of Austin
Mike Rollins, President, Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce
Michael Kuhn, Resource Management Commission
Jim Butler, City of Austin Economic Growth & Redevelopment Services Office
Doug Rose, SunPower Corporation
Cliff Braddock, Austin Energy
November 17 – 19, 2003

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 16th Industry Growth Forum This event unites emerging clean energy technology companies from across the country with our nations leading clean energy investors. Approximately 300 attendees are expected to participate in two days of networking and company “business case” presentations that will promote and enhance the success of new ventures, emerging businesses and the growth of entrepreneurship in the clean energy sector.
September 26-28, 2003

Texas Renewable Energy Roundup/Green Living and Sustainability Fair in Fredericksburg, Texas. Exhibits, talks, workshops on clean and sustainable energy and related topics.
June 21-26, 2003

National Solar Energy Conference, presented by the American Solar Energy Society. At the Austin Convention Center.
Ten organizations devoted to renewable energy and resource conservation are joining forces to present a six-day event at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas. SOLAR 2003 will mark the 32nd Anniversary of the ASES Annual Conference, and the 28th Passive Solar Conference.
SOLAR 2003 will have a strong technical component with scores of technical papers, invited sessions and hands-on workshops. Tours will be available to nearby solar sites to educate attendees on deployed technology. The tours will be available to conference participants, government officials and the public.a

Investments in New Energy Technologies
Funding focus and strategies for new energy technologies presented by three internationally known active venture organizations.
Download PowerPoint Presentation
Hugh Baker
Hunt Power Group, Vice President
Greg Romney
Chevron Texaco Ventures, Vice President Fuel Cells & Fuel Processing
John Rockwell
Partner, Advent International
Presented with Generous Support From: JumpStart Revenue, Vinson & Elkins LLP, Corkran Energy LP, Good Company Assoc., and The Austin Clean Energy Initiative
About our executive speakers and hosting organizations:
Hugh Baker, Hunt Power Group, Vice President
Hunt Power invests in, develops, acquires, and/or operates startup and ongoing business ventures in the distributed energy sector. Recent business transactions include formation of a company to develop clean small-scale cogeneration projects, development of a “green” commercial real estate product incorporating power quality and reliability features, and a venture investment in a startup fuel cell company. Hunt Power invests strategically in situations where its core electric utility market expertise can be actively applied towards development of sustainable and successful operating distributed energy businesses.
Greg Romney, ChevronTexaco Ventures, Vice President Fuel Cells & Fuel Processing
ChevronTexaco Technology Ventures is a new operating company that unites several Chevron and Texaco business lines with a common mission to grow our business through investing and commercializing emerging technologies and new energy systems. Texaco Energy Systems Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary, commercializes a number of advanced energy technologies that represent new market opportunities, including fuel cells, fuel processing, hydrogen storage, and methods of converting liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons into clean liquid fuels.
John Rockwell, Advent International, Partner
Advent is one of the largest and most established private equity groups in the world with over 500 investments made in over 35 countries. The firm has raised over $6B in capital, has over 90 investment professionals and completed 128 successful IPOs. In 2002, Advent began the firm’s second venture capital fund focused on emerging energy technologies, products and services, principally in the US.
Moderated by Bob Martin, JumpStart Revenue, CEO
JumpStart Revenue provides companies with elements required for growth: revenue enhancement, strategic clarity and capital resources. In addition, they have consulted with venture funds such as: Shell Internet Ventures, RAM Capital, JFI and most recently completed M&A activities in the distributed energy resource market.
April 10, 2003
The Austin Clean Energy Initiative held its Spring, 2003 Networking Event at the MCC Auditorium on April 10, 2003 starting at 5:00pm. Focus: the solar photovoltaic industry.
Our first speaker was Richard Swanson, President of Sunpower Corporation (www.sunpowercorp.com). Sunpower entered into a joint venture with Cypress Semiconductor to apply the process maturity and cost reduction expertise of the semiconductor industry to the manufacture of photovoltaic products. Some of this work is being done in the Cypress plant in Round Rock.
Download Richard Swanson’s Presentation in PowerPoint format.
The second speaker was Mike Sloan of Virtus Energy. Mike has been a renewable energy consultant since 1988. Most recently, he has been an active participant in the Solar Austin Campaign, an initiative to make Austin a leader in the use of solar energy and as a home for solar energy companies.
Download Mike Sloan’s Presentation in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.
November 13-15, 2002
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) will launch its First Annual International Green Building Conference and Exposition in Austin. Austin Energy is sponsor and host.
What’s green building all about? Check out this article from Time Magazine’s Green Century issue.
November 12, 2002
Q4 ACE Initiative event at the Terrace 7 office complex, hosted by Vinson & Elkins.
This event will feature the public unveiling of the findings of the ACE Initiative-commissioned Report: “Enriching Economy and Environment: Making Central Texas the Center for Clean Energy.”
Join local and state officials, VIPs, and members of the business, university, and civic communities as a vision for this exciting new economic development cluster is shared. If you would like to attend the event, please send a confirmation to: [email protected]
July 23, 2002
CEI / ACE combined Quarterly Breakfast and Networking Event.
On Tuesday, July 23, the ACE Initiative was very pleased to partner with the Clean Energy Incubator at ATI, a program of IC2 Institute at UT-Austin, to host a combined event program and networking event. A Standing Room Only crowd of nearly 200 was treated to breakfast Austin-style (i.e., 4 PM in the afternoon), and the accompanying “Breakfast Series” program, which was held in the afternoon to make networking more conducive.
Paul Thomas, CEO of Green Mountain Energy, was the featured speaker. Speaking in the MCC Building auditorium, Mr. Thomas explained his company’s motivations for locating its corporate headquarters in Austin and how important the economic cluster creation for Clean Energy is in Central Texas. He also discussed Green Mountain’s business model and “cleaner energy” approach. He was introduced by Gail Papermaster, attorney with Bracewell & Patterson LLP.
May 14, 2002
ACE Initiative Kickoff.
Over 230 business and community leaders from the Austin area, as well as guests from Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, kicked off the Austin Clean Energy Initiative on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at the Serrano’s Symphony Square in Austin. The ACE Initiative – an economic development initiative focused on establishing and growing the Clean Energy sector in Central Texas – combined a program of briefings with a high-powered networking atmosphere to result in an enthusiastic introduction to the community at large. Austin City Councilmember Will Wynn, Clean Energy Incubator Executive Director Richard Amato, ACE Initiative Co-Founder Chip Wolfe, and company principals Walt Hornaday, CEO, Cielo Wind Power, and Patrick Hoskins of start-up Power Tube delivered comments. Mike Tomsu of Vinson & Elkins, closed the afternoon’s program with an announcement of his firm’s underwriting commitment of the ACE Initiative Economic Development Report.